• Foot Soak, Heel Spurs, Neuropathology, & Plantar Fasciitis

    Put 2 sprays of MaxPRO 60 into a bowl of warm water and soak feet for instant relief You may also soothe sore feet by applying a few sprays of MaxPRO 60 onto a warm moist cloth and then wrapping the cloth around your foot, squeezing tightly.

  • Cold Sores

    Apply 1 spray of MaxPRO 60 to a cotton ball and apply directly to the affected area several times during the day. In most cases, this will prevent the acid sore from erupting through the skin.

  • Body Soak

    Put 3 sprays of MaxPRO 60 into the warm bath water or sauna and allow it to vaporize. Our all natural oils will treat and the entire body. Most users find this treatment very relaxing and head clearning.

  • MIgraine & Sinus Headache

    Apply 2 or 3 sprays of MaxPRO 60 to a cotton ball and breathe the vapors through your nose as long as 60 seconds. The vapors may cause your eyes to water and may cause you to cough, this is normal and is only momnetary.

  • Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel, Back Ache, & Sore Muscles

    For maximum results, apply a warm moist cloth to affected area for approximately 3 minutes before applying 3 to 6 sprays of MaxPRO 60, then massage into the area. Apply as need for continuous relief.

  • Ear Aches & Sore Throats

    Apply 1 or 2 sprays of MaxPRO 60 to the back of the ear of the sore area of the neck/throat and massage lightly.